Deer Hunting at Water Valley is some of the best in the South. Our lodge is located on family owned property that offers every type of terrain: clear cuts, winter food plots, hardwood stands, young pine plantation, thinned pine plantation, swamp bottoms, and hills with mixed timber.
Water Valley uses almost all types of stands on the hunt; tripods, ladder stands, lock-ons, shooting houses in the air and on the ground. Some hunters will be on the ground in large clear-cuts. If hunters would like to bring their climber it is no problem. Bow hunters must bring their own climber. At the lodge a display of stands will be set up along with targets for our bow hunters to practice with.
Our hunting takes place in pine plantations, hardwood stands, clear-cuts, or mixed terrain from gun houses located over choice food plots or from stands located on scrapes, rubs, and game trails.
Morning hunts are from 5:15 am to 10:30 am, and afternoon hunts are from 2:30 pm until dark. For those who prefer to stay out all day, we offer packed lunches and snacks. Deer and turkey hunts are available on a first come first served basis. Hog hunting is available year-round. Your deer will be dressed and hung in our walk-in cooler. We will quarter your deer and pack it on ice. You will need to bring ice chests for packing.
During your deer hunt at Water Valley Lodge, you will find at least three things to be true: we are efficient and organized, our land is plentiful, and the terrain is varied, and we have plenty of great comfortable stands.
Our days start at 4:00 am with a cup of coffee and breakfast in the Dining Hall. At 4:50 am we move to the Boot Room where your hunting gear is already organized and in storage in a secure private locker. After you are dressed and geared up, step outside the boot room where our custom-built 4x4 vans will be waiting. Your guide will tell you where you are headed for the morning hunt and which van to get in and you will be on your way.
Mid-morning your guide will pick you up (unless you have made the decision to hunt all day) and everyone will head to the lodge Boot Room, put away gear and guns then enjoy a short rest and some lunch. Once lunch has been served , it should be about 1:00 pm and time to head out again for the afternoon hunt.
At dark, the guides will pick up all hunters, assist in locating wounded game and get everyone back to the Boot Room and Skinning Shed. After unloading hunters to the Boot Room and animals to the Skinning Shed, fires will be lit, and supper served. The remainder of the evening is yours...join us by the campfire, play a game of pool or cards in the lounge, or retire to the privacy of your room for a restful night's sleep.
All Alabama game laws MUST be followed while hunting at Water Valley Lodge.
Wild Boar/Hog Hunting is another great sport available at Water Valley Lodge. Hog Hunting at Water Valley Lodge located in Alabama is included on all deer hunts. If one chooses to hunt hogs outside of deer season, the month of February stands supreme. During February it is still cold and the pressure of deer season is over.
There is no limit on hogs at Water Valley and the season is 12 months a year. We hog hunt from October 1 to May 1.
We do not hunt hogs with dogs at Water Valley Lodge. We hunt hogs from deer stands. We will be there before daylight 'till mid-morning on cool days and will start our afternoon hunt in the mid to late afternoon until dark.
Your hog hunting packages includes meals, lodging, on site transportation as well as skinning, cleaning, quartering your kills and packing them on ice for your return home. Our hog hunts are semi-guided hunts.
Turkey Hunting is prime at Water Valley Lodge. Our guided hunts give you the best chance possible of bagging a quality bird. Turkey Hunting at Water Valley Lodge offers hunters a unique opportunity to match skills against the wiliest game bird of them all, the Eastern wild turkey.
While at Water Valley Lodge a hunter may take one turkey per day, up to four (state law). No jakes or hens may be harvested at Water Valley Lodge.
Guides at Water Valley Lodge are second to none. They have spent their lives hunting and studying this wild bird’s habitat and behavior. Our guides haven’t trained themselves to perform in contests. Their interest is killing turkeys.
Our hunters are in the woods well before daylight. You will be with a guide whether he does the calling or you do the calling. A guest needs a fully guided hunt to take advantage of what Water Valley has to offer.
Our turkey package includes private room and bath, meals, housekeeping services, and transportation with a one-on-one guide.
Hunter orange is required to and from the stand. A solid orange hat is the minimum. All hunters must have an Alabama hunting license. License fees are not included. Be sure to watch the weather channel before you come and be prepared for warm and cold weather. Alabama can offer these two extremes in the same day. You should also be prepared for wet weather. Other than proper clothing you should bring a flashlight, an alarm clock, rubber boots, binoculars, face mask, bug spray (in early bow and turkey season) and ice chests. If you want to use a tree climber, you should bring your own as Water Valley does not provide climbers.